Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum intent and vision is underpinned by our Trust values:
Success through Endeavour
Ambition through Challenge
Strength through Diversity
At Summit our overarching curriculum aims to:
- Promote social justice through the provision of a rich and relevant cultural capital curriculum that supports students’ learning in a wide range of subjects
- Challenge robustly all forms of discrimination and unconscious bias by providing an inclusive curriculum that is relevant to the backgrounds of all our pupils
- Provoke ambition in our students by challenging them to engage with hard concepts
- Inspire learners to enjoy reflective and dynamic learning
- Support our learners to overcome disadvantage by equipping them with the deep knowledge and complex skills they will need to succeed in future education, work and life
- Spark curiosity and excitement in students about the world, themselves and each other
- Deliver coherence within and across subject areas so that learners understand, learn how to remember, and make connections between the composite parts of the knowledge they are taught
- Engender understanding, optimism and hope in our students, to empower them to create a better world
Academies will have additional, individual curriculum intent according to their ethos and context. Leaders will review their curricula to ensure that it reflects different world views equally, for example (but not exclusively) that of women and people of colour.
Academies will map their curricula within and across subject areas, mindful of the foundations of the primary curriculum, and the future demands of further and higher education. Careful and intelligent consideration will be given to the selection of interleaved knowledge and skills across five years of learning. Our ‘Excellence in Teaching’ model of pedagogy, rooted in direct instruction, will support profound learning across a coherent curriculum experience for students.
Academies will collaborate and share practice, planning and resources to reduce workload, and will be free to adapt their own curricula with respect to their particular context and needs.
Our School Vision
Our vision at Lyndon School is to develop well-rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. Through the delivery of an ambitious, inclusive and knowledge rich curriculum we will tackle social disadvantage and ensure that all students possess the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they will need to live successful and happy lives within our diverse community.
Our Curriculum Intent
The heart of Lyndon School is its ambitious, inclusive and knowledge rich curriculum. Our curriculum promotes the intellectual, creative, cultural, linguistic, spiritual, moral and physical development of all our students, with the goal of deepening their knowledge and broadening their horizons. Our curriculum celebrates the individuality and diversity of our students and the communities we serve, engendering understanding, acceptance and respect.
All aspects of our broad and balanced curriculum have been carefully constructed to incorporate the 3 values of Strength through diversity, Ambition through challenge and Excellence through curiosity. By embedding these values in , we aim for our students to be simultaneously challenged and supported in all that they do, enabling them to access the high-quality education to which they are entitled. Rich in opportunity and choice for all students the curriculum is designed to ensure that the potential of each of our students is recognised and opportunities are created so that all students experience the feeling of joy and achievement.
The curriculum is designed to create learning opportunities which encourage deep learning, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving to support students in becoming the decision makers of the future. As a school, we want our students to become immersed in learning experiences which support students in making links between subjects through the sequential building of knowledge and the enhancement of their cultural understanding. To support students in making these links and to engage in the knowledge rich curriculum, all lessons are based on the Excellence in Teaching Programme (EiTP) underpinned by Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction.
Lyndon School recognises that the curriculum goes beyond the subject knowledge and skills delivered in lessons, and that to sustain a positive culture within our school and to support pupils’ well-being, we strive to enable our pupils to be happy and engaged students. Therefore, our enrichment curriculum is a cornerstone of the students’ learning experience, with opportunities offered throughout the year and across the school to provide everyone with a chance to shine and to gain confidence, whether this be through STEM, Sport, Performing Arts and Design Technology experiences. The enrichment programme is specifically designed to ensure that our students are informed and build their cultural literacy, through being exposed to the best that has been thought and said. This commitment to providing rich and memorable learning opportunities engenders an appreciation of human creativity and achievement supporting students in becoming informed, confident and prepared in taking each step towards achieving their dreams.
For further details please contact Mr D Kelly Assistant Principal, Curriculum Intent and Personal Development. Email: