Lyndon school was inspected in 2022 where Ofsted identified us as a Good school with many strong features.
Highlights you may be interested in reading include:
“Lyndon School is a happy, friendly and caring place.”
“The school is well led. The principal’s clear and determined leadership has won the respect of the staff. Morale is strong. Leaders listen to the views of the learning community and adapt school practice accordingly.”
“Pupils know their views are listened to and respected.
They appreciate this. Pupils are well informed about their next steps through the school’s carefully planned careers programme.”
“Pupils feel safe in school. Leaders provide a wide-ranging programme that explains risky behaviours well to staff and pupils. Staff work well with other agencies that help to protect children when the need arises.”
“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported successfully, and this ensures they are able to access the full curriculum. As a result, pupils with SEND make good progress.”